Advertise with CDS

Contact & Advertising Information

If you need any information about the California Dressage Society rules, regulations, membership, benefits, scheduling, events, or advertising, you must contact Paula Langan at the CDS office directly:

Office Manager (and Dressage Letters Editor)
Paula Langan
P.O. Box 417
Carmel Valley, CA 93924
Voice:(831) 659.5696
Fax:(831) 659.2383



Website Listing

To report a problem with the website please contact

Advertising in the CDS Newsletter,

Dressage Letters

Deadline: 10th of the month prior to publication. Payment is due at the same time. Make checks payable to California Dressage Society.

Dressage Letters circulation is over 3,000 each month. Dressage Letters is a service to the members of CDS. Advertising must have service to members as its primary function. Dressage Letters will accept advertising that features winnings of horses, congratulations, or thanks to trainers, riders, teachers or new owners, or ads that serve as obituaries.

6x and 12x rate available, please call 831-659-5696

Full page 7.5 x 10 $350
Half page 7.5 x 5 $230
Quarter page 3.5 x 5 $175
Business Card 3.5 x 2 $ 45

Classified ads

70 cents per word, $15 minimum.
Examples of one word : "elegant", "6yrs", "8s", "$10,000", "16.2hh", "2nd", and "(000)000-0000".

Saddle ads

$5 each.

Email Blasts

Email Blasts also available for clinics, shows, seminars and events only, on a limited basis. Please supply copy in Word format and photo attached separately as a jpeg if desired. Price is 13¢ per email address. List may be restricted by Chapter or Region.

Submission Guidelines and Deadline

Classified ads may be faxed in with visa card info and exp date and signatures.

Dressage Letters accepts no responsibility for statements and/or clinics made in advertisement. Truth in advertising is the responsibility of the advertisor.

Display ads must be professional finished and camera-ready. Electronic ads are also accepted in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format.

Send to

Office Manager (and Dressage Letters Editor)
Paula Langan
P.O. Box 417
Carmel Valley, CA 93924
Voice:(831 659.5696
Fax:( 831) 659.2383

Send electronic copy to