CDS Horse Registration
The effective date of CDS horse registration is the date the paperwork and horse registration fees are received by CDS.
CDS horse registration applications may be mailed, faxed or emailed to the CDS office.
A horse does not have to be registered with a breed registry to be registered with CDS. However, if your horse is registered with a breed registry, please submit a copy of the breed registry papers so that pedigree and breeder information can be recorded with CDS and considered official.
Once your horse’s registration has been processed, verification of horse registration will be available.
Registration fee is $10 per year, or $100 for lifetime.
The Registration fee of $10 applies to each year of scores you are using for an award.
The fee for each level award will be $ 35.00, submitted with the appropriate application and verification of scores.
Horse, Owner, and Rider must be paid CDS members in good standing at the time scores are earned.
Horse Performance Awards are based strictly on the scores a horse achieves over time and need not be earned in one year.
These Awards may be earned at every level, Training through Grand Prix, with Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Intermediate A and Intermediate B being considered one level. Horse Performance Awards may also be earned for young horses competing in any 4, 5, or 6-year-old young horse class.
Must have 6 scores of 60 percent or higher for Training through Fourth level, or 6.0 or higher for USEF or FEI young horse tests, or 3 scores of 60 percent or higher for Prix St Georges, Intermediate, or Grand Prix.
From 3 judges and 3 different CDS recognized shows (if two or more judges score one ride, the average of their scores counts as one score).
Scores may be earned at any test in the level.
Scores may be earned by more than one rider.
Horses may only earn one award at each level.
The fee for each level certified will be $35, submitted with the appropriate application and verification of scores.