Why Join the California Dressage Society?

Sheri Scott Photography

Although many members join CDS because they are going to show, and some do not even renew until they are ready to enter their first show, CDS membership dollars are not completely show-oriented, but rather devoted to communication, education and membership service.

The first thing to point out is that right off the top, the CDS sends $25 of your $75 membership to USDF to sign you up as a Group Member of United States Dressage Federation. That figure accounts for over $65,000 of CDS expenses.

The greatest expense though, is awarded to printing. Printing is the method of communication between CDS and its members, and also between members. The printed word in Dressage Letters is how CDS explains rules, award systems, recognizes outstanding competitors and volunteers. Printing is what makes CDS a great network for dressage enthusiasts to give and get information. Dressage Letters, and the Omnibus, and CDS Guidelines all add up to a large printing bill. Dressage Letters however, contributes some income toward that bill with revenue from the advertising. Even though CDS has tranistioned to email blasts, facebook and instagram, printing is still necessary to communicate.

The next biggest chunk out of the pie is the Central Office. In this piece of the pie I have lumped together several categories of expenses covered by your dues. The largest lump is the Central Office contract but also includes equipment, outside labor, repairs, and telephone. This is your primary membership service category. The work this piece of the pie represents to you is reflected in the production of Dressage Letters, membership tracking, new member packets, renewal notices, updates, check deposits, performance tracking, show recognition, scheduling, and quite an endless list of membership services as well as a friendly voice on the phone when you call for help.

Hopefully you feel that with just a phone call, fax, or note you can find out the answer to questions such as: Am I qualified for Annual Show? How do I nominate my horse for the Futurity? Can I get an ad in Dressage Letters? Is this date free for a show? Who is my chapter chair? What is a chapter? How do I apply for a scholarship? And can I still get an ad in Dressage Letters?

After these two sections, all the portions of the pie get smaller. Publicity reflects just over 6% of the pie and includes all the promotional expenses of CDS: advertising that CDS does for membership or special events; any donations, like the Dressage Foundation, and promotional expenses, such as our booth at the Horse Expo.

Educational programs reflect the next portion of the pie. The education section reflects monies spent on seminars, symposiums, annual meetings and clinics.

Next down the line is dues to USDF. The contribution to the USDF for every person who joins CDS went up from $10 in 2003 to $25 in 2025. A monthly update is sent with the check to inform USDF how many new members we have and their addresses. This figure ranges from 50 to 100 members per month depending on the time of year. There are always many more new members in the spring and early summer as they are eager to start out their show seasons with all their memberships in hand.

Postage is of course inseparable from the communication aspect of CDS. After we print all of that wonderful information, we have to pay to mail it to you.

Another assorted business category is Association expenses and in that section I have added together with the US Equestrian Federation (USEF) dues, the expenses for the CDS Executive Board meetings and expenses for CDS Delegates to the USDF Convention. These expenses are the nuts and bolts of the working CDS Board. They have to meet at least five times a year to keep CDS directed and functioning as a business and to have an opportunity to discuss new programs, ideas and avoid problems.

Next on the list is Awards. The CDS awards system is based on year-end achievements. CDS offers for sale a brass plate for every competitor who reaches for the goal of at least 60% and achieves it. Of the 3,000 members in CDS over 1500 competitors surpassed that 60% goal many times. 40% of the CDS membership has quite a good basic level of proficiency in competition, since just one 60% at Training Level represents hours of study, training and many dollars spent with instructors and trainers.

Last but not least important is the section for Insurance. CDS pays for an insurance policy that covers all CDS sponsored events whether they are shows, clinics, seminars, or meetings. All CDS Chapters have this insurance when they put on shows or clinics and they can have their facilities named as additionally insured on a certificate. The extent of the insurance is $1,000,000 liability for each occurrence. The one million liability limit includes ALL members and member chapters.

There are more areas of income and expense to CDS but the areas mentioned above directly reflect your membership dues. Other areas such as Championship Show, Junior Championships, Futurity, Prize Lists, Programs, and Show Recognition, all generate their own income to pay for their expenses.