CDS Young Horse Futurity

The Futurity is designed to encourage young horses in dressage. Entrants ride two tests, each of which is judged by two judges. The highest percentage determines the placings.

For the 4 and 5 -Year-Old Futurity horses, the first test would be a MATERIAL class for each age group. The Material class will award ribbons 1st – 8th. No Honor rounds for the Material class.

The second test for the 4 Yr. Old Futurity is Training Level Test 3 and the second test for the 5 Yr. Old - First Level Test 2. Ribbons in both the 4 & 5 yr. old dressage test will be awarded 1st – 8th

The Overall Futurity winners for the 4 & 5 Yr. division will be determined by combining the scores from the Material class and the Dressage test. Winner of each age group with be awarded ribbons 1st – 8th. In case of a tie, it would be broken by the dressage score. Top three horses in the 4 & 5 – year-old classes will come back for Honor Rounds. All nomination fees received go into the purse which is divided among the six highest total scoring entrants as follows: 1st - 30%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd - 20%, 4th - 15%, 5th - 5%, 6th - 5% for each age group.

Six -Year -Old Futurity horses will will perform two dressage tests – the first test Second Level Test 1 with Ribbons 1st – 8th . The second test will be Second Level test 2, with ribbons 1st – 8th. The two scores will be combined to determine the 6 Yr. Old Champion. Ribbons will be awarded 1st – 8th for the overall placings and the top three horse will return for Honor Rounds. In case of a tie, it would be broken by the highest dressage score in the second test. All nomination fees received go into the purse which is divided among the six highest total scoring entrants as follows: 1st - 30%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd - 20%, 4th - 15%, 5th - 5%, 6th - 5%.

Kelly Krambs Rampart.jpg


Each age group will be awarded a Futurity Trophy.
All nomination fees received go into the purse which is divided among the six highest total scoring entrants in each division, as follows: 1st - 30%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd - 20%, 4th - 15%, 5th - 5%, 6th - 5%.
4-Year Olds Material & Training Level Test 3 OPEN
5-Year Olds Material and First Level Test 2 OPEN
6-Year Olds Second Level Tests 1 and 2 OPEN

Horse may have shown at any level prior to nomination, no previous show restrictions


Age of Horse: All horses entered in the 2025 California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity classes at the CDS Annual Championship Show must have been born in the years 2022 or 2021 or 2020. Horses who compete as 4-Year Olds may nominate again the following year as 5-Year Olds and again as 6-Year Olds.

Horses may have shown at any level prior to the Futurity.
Horse may be entered in consecutive years of the Futurity. Enter as a 4-Year Old this year, and next year, enter as a 5-Year Old!

NOMINATION FEES MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO JULY 1. If paid after July 1, the fee will be $150. Nomination fees are held in a special account and put into the purse the year the horse is Nominated for the Futurity. There will be one flat fee for nomination fee ($100) due before July 1, of the year shown. If paid after July 1, the nomination fee will be $150. Fees are non-refundable. Horse must be nominated for each year it is entered in the Futurity. There are no restrictions, other than age and no qualifying for the California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity. There are no refunds of nomination fees. 
Membership of Owner: The owner of the nominated horse must be a member of CDS at the time of nomination and must maintain that membership.

Futurity Nomination does not include entry into the Futurity Class at the CDS Championship Show. This must be done separately. Premiums are posted online at

The CDS CAL BRED purse is open to horses foaled in '22 or '21 or '20 already entered in the CDS Futurity who were foaled in California or Nevada. The Perpetual Trophy, ribbons and cash awards are based on the highest percentage, regardless of age division. The Cal-Bred purse, which consists of all nomination fees from entered horses, is divided on the same percentage basis as the CDS Futurity.

2025 Futurity Nomination Form

2024 purse was over 6,700  CB = Cal Bred
Futurity Horses for 2025

6 Year Olds

5 Year Olds

4 Year Olds