Juniors & Young Riders

Events for 2024


CDS JR/YR Clinics are for riders selected through their Chapter. Check in with your Chapter to be eligible for the draw!
North Clinician David Wightman
May 10-12 PEC (Wilton)
South Clinician David Wightman
May 31- June 2 HiHopes Farm (Redlands)

JR/YR Championship shows
JR/YR Members list

JULY 26-27, 2024 ***  CDS JR YR Championship North at San Francisco Peninsula Chapter Show at Woodside Horse Park (Woodside) contact Gigi Cunliffe gigic9@aol.com Qualifying cutoff July 19.

JULY 18-20, 2024 *** CDS JRYR Championships South at Show Park (Del Mar) Hosted by San Diego Chapter contact KIM KEENAN STORDAHL 858-518-4128 keenandressage@yahoo.com www.hitsshows.com

Rider and Owner must be CDS members for scores to count toward any CDS program


Club 100 - The Junior Educational Fund Join and Support the Juniors

Club 100 Chapter Grant - Apply for Club 100 Funding

Club 100 Individual Grant - Apply for Club 100 Funds

Junior Pix

Junior Age - How old are you?

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